I've been bored and seem to find myself reading several different blogs, and Troy decided maybe it was time we started one of our own. So here goes nothing... ;)
After a long, challenging summer, Troy and I just started a new semester at college. Troy goes full-time and he will soon be able to start his 2-year program to get into teaching. He's awesome! He's always busy whether it's with school, work, family stuff, etc. That boy's always got something going on, and he's really good about keeping on his toes and making sure stuff gets done. He's been really good about taking care of Michael and I all summer long, and I love and appreciate him more than he could ever know!
Michael has been getting bigger and bigger, and smarter, every day. He knows his colors (for the most part), shapes, the ABC's, he can count from 1-20 (he skips a few but he's got the idea down.), and so many other things. He's definitely a 3-year-old when it comes to his attitude lately. He is a VERY good kid, but he does have his times as we all do. But he is the light of our lives, and we couldn't ask for a better kid. :)
We haven't been able to find out what Baby Hoskins #2 is yet. We are just ecstatic at this point to hear a heartbeat every day and to know that things are going well with this pregnancy thus far. I will be 15 weeks along on Sunday, and have an appointment this next week. And then we get to find out what we're having at the next one, and I don't know who's more excited...Troy and I, or my Mom! Haha!
All in all, that's where we stand at this point. Just happy to be around, glad to be through the first week of school already, and thankful for good friends and family who help us out so much. We love you all, and appreciate everything that everyone in our lives does for us!
Hey! You guys rock. Cool blog btw! Thanks for coming over and hanging with us lastnight. It was lots of fun. Have a fun weekend!